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mot250 11-11-2008 07:27 PM

disabling ESP (traction control)
Ok forgive me but I like to learn how to control my car on my own, with as little computer intervention as possible. You can't get away from ABS now-adays but the ESP/Traction control is another story, at least for a few more years before someone decides it needs to be regulated to a mandatory feature.

The owners manual says you can "partially" disable the Challenger's ESP by momentarily pressing the ESP switch. Is there a way to completely disable the ESP?

I remember reading about a way to totally disable the ESP on 2006,07,08 Chargers using a series of key turns and button presses or something. Is that what we need to do with the Challengers as well? Anyone know or remember what that sequence might be?

mopar2ya 11-12-2008 03:12 AM

RE: disabling ESP (traction control)

On the 2008s you can disable ESP by pressing and holding the ESP traction control button until you hear the chime... seems like it was after holding for about 8 seconds if I remember right.

Seems I also heard that you can not fully disable 2009s though... anyone know something different than this..??

tskatz 11-12-2008 05:30 AM

RE: disabling ESP (traction control)
My understanding is the latest build six speeds allow for total disabling of the ESP. My car partially disables with one press of the button and if you hold the button down you hear a chime.

raj1980 11-12-2008 05:35 AM

RE: disabling ESP (traction control)
I have an automatic...

What is it doing when I press the button, if it's not turning it off?

Does the automatic do anything if you hold the button down?

Andre@Edge 11-12-2008 06:03 AM

RE: disabling ESP (traction control)
I have one black box for the R/T that allows you to disable ESP completly. I received it from NoEsp, and didnt need it in the 2008 SRT. It looks like an easy install, but I need to send it to someone that will do a write up, and photo the install. Any takers?

mot250 11-12-2008 07:24 AM

RE: disabling ESP (traction control)
OK I'll have to try holding the button in a little (ok - a lot -) longer and wait for the chime. If that doesn't work, I may take up Andre's offer for the No-ESP black-box or resort to cutting in to the wiring and installing a master ESP shut-off switch a-la what Charger owners have resorted to doing...

The partial disable mode allows you to get some wheel-spin for what Dodge consideres necessary wheel spin for "sand" or light snow, according to the owners manual. But too much wheel spin will engage the ESP/Traction control. Also, I think fish-tailing may also still engage the ESP/traction control even when partially disabled.

mot250 11-12-2008 08:48 AM

RE: disabling ESP (traction control)
for me, holding the ESP button in for more than 8 seconds did not produce a chime nor disable the ESP. Actually, when I continued to hold in the ESP button, it eventually returns the ESP mode to fully functional.

However, the time honored Charger fix, turning-the-key-to-start-while-driving-over-10 mile-per-hour, worked like a charm. You need to hold the key in the "start" position for a few seconds before the ESP/BAS warning light will come on. A solonoid prevents the starter from re-engaging so no worries there.

Then just let the real fun begin!!!:)

raj1980 11-12-2008 08:55 AM

RE: disabling ESP (traction control)
I have push start and automatic, so it may not even work for me...

Can you say step-sy-step what you did?
I'm not understanding how you got it to turn off completly.


mot250 11-12-2008 10:57 AM

RE: disabling ESP (traction control)

ORIGINAL: raj1980

I have push start and automatic, so it may not even work for me...

Can you say step-sy-step what you did?
I'm not understanding how you got it to turn off completly.

I, too, have the keyless-go push button start feature. But you can convert to using the electronic key-fob as a "regular key" in the dash. There are instructions to do this in the owner's manual but I'll go through them here also.

Remove the metal "emergency" key from the key-fob and use it to gently pry out the push-to-start button from the dash starting at the bottom on the outside of the chrome ring around the button.

Then insert the rectangular end of the key-fob into the same slot in the dash. Turning the fob clockwise and releasing it like you would any other ignition key will start the car.

Once the car is running, the starter is disabled via a solenoid. Get the car rolling to over 10 miles per hour in a forward gear and turn the key-fob again to the start position.

At that point, the radio will turn off. If you continue to hold the key-fob in the start position for a few seconds, the ESP/BAS warning lights on the dash will light up, then release the key-fob and your ESP is now fully disabled, at least for the manual trans R/T cars.

Let us know if it also works for the automatics.

raj1980 11-12-2008 12:42 PM

RE: disabling ESP (traction control)
Thank you!!!!

Is it fully disabled always? Or do I have to do that everytime?
To turn the ESP back on, do I just press the button?

mot250 11-12-2008 01:14 PM

RE: disabling ESP (traction control)
It would need to be done each time you start the car.

Not sure on re-enabling ESP on the same "drive". I suspect it will turn back on with a push of the button but I'll try tonight and report back.

Edit: once disabled in this manner, you have to turn the car off to reactivate the ESP

I'd guess that this will also work for the automatics since the Chargers were all automatics.

10secDodge 11-29-2008 12:56 PM

RE: disabling ESP (traction control)
I tried this today in my auto car. It worked just like described. We finally had a nice 40 degree sunny day here so I took my buddy for a ride. He drives a low 10 sec car also, so I was thinking he may not be too impressed. However he was very surprised at the power the car has. It looks as if this will be the last day for awhile....more snow is on the way.

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