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Old 09-26-2008, 04:31 AM
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Default RE: $700 Billion Bailout

I'm no soothsayer and I'm no Warren Buffet (I put money in a Mutual Fund and an ING savings account) so I won't wax like I know much about finances. But I do have eyes and a brain. I've watched the market plummet, then rebound on the news of this bailout, then dip again at the news the bailout might come.

If it were just the elite of Wall Street, I'd say let'em twist in the wind or impale them on a poke as some sort of discouragement to less than scrupulous scoundrels who erred advertently AND inadvertently (would their be mercy for an Air Traffic Controller to blame because he took his eye off the screen to browse the web or a train conductor who didn't mean it when he cost innocents their lives for selfish disconnection in his job?), BUT, since the nation's money is in Wall Street it is as much all of our (at least anyone who doesn't hide their money in their mattress) problem as any other things listed not just investors. It's all interconnected.

I would certainly hope politician would be stupid enough to allow a Bill that would provide a golden parachute for any exec that mismanaged his company, in fact the Bill should contain some verbiage in it that imposes life sentences for these leaders of industry who lose investors money and create misery in the form of mass layoffs. It seems many of them just get the job, win or lose

This is a tough pill to swallow, but no tougher than the myriad of other things that have been grossly mismanaged by a status quo government. I would rather eat some more taxes than to roll the dice on the collapse of the market.

I've only been alive since 1970, the 70's were the worst economically that I remember. If not bailing out these miscreants avoids something worse than that, then fine.

But, as a country need to get off the sidelines and start demanding more of those who wield power in the federal government.

Additionally, I think Billionaire is correct on this. Personal credit needs to be revamped. I was just talking with a team member of mine and found out he had $37K in credit card debt. He's not from this country, so I corrected him saying "You mean thiry seven HUNDRED"...he said no $#7K. Maybe outlawing credit (or greatly reducing the level of credit should be legistlated). I'm not much for government interference in business, but it seems like too much of a, here comes the next sub-prime debacle scenario.

Before we start casting a blind eye to our fellow earthwalkers as opposed to righteous scrutiny the evil doers in palaces and their twisted deeds (which should be punished), we should look at America as a collective of people who really living beyond their means at all economic levels.

Maybe a little modesty and patience would go a long way.

~) 69.5 SuperBee