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Old 10-06-2008, 03:29 PM
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Default RE: Tightening of Credit?


You are correct, an Obama/Biden ticket does make more sense, IF you like socialism, because that is what they and the entire Democratic party are selling…… thank you.
Obama talks about change....but it needs to be change for ther better, not change, just for change....and again the change they want to bring is out and out socialism........
(As you may have guessed, I am NOT a Democratic)

(**As a side note, it's threads like this that really should be on other sites, since most members would rather read about Challengers than politics. If I offended anyone with this posting...sorry, but to much of what you get on network news is just out and out wrong.....)

*****By the way.....LOVE my New Challenger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe... with you 110% on this point and beyond. Suppose it has anything to do with those that choose the Black Challengers?

This has been my main issue with the Democrats as far back as I can remember. Home for every American... Chicken in every pot... sound familiar?? While I am all for the concept... human nature makes the ideal impossible to reach. It would be a wonderful world to live in if peace and harmony reigned... if people were loving and kind to others in all counts... if prejudice rooted in fear did not exist... if justice and equality prevailed... but alas, the reality is far from this utopia we all wish would flourish. Greed and selfishness prevail and unfortunately those most motivated by greed and selfishness will find ways to fulfill thier self centered desires regardless of who gets hurt or stomped on while they strive to seek the wealth and fame they desire... and deserve in thier own wicked minds. Who pays...? We all do.

It is a nasty, vicious, wicked, evil, messed up world we live in and where those attributes prevail justice and equality will fail, prejudice will abound, poor will get poorer, rich will get richer, peace and harmony will remain hidden, and self love will dominate.

Socialism is a failed experiment with a utopian goal. The idea is awesome... the reality is problematic because of selfish human nature...

And yes... this probably doesn"t belong in a Challenger forum... but while we"re on the subject... guess I should rant off as well. May peace and prosperity follow you wherever you may go...

(running out of the room... ducking and doging the aftermath...)