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Old 11-03-2008, 07:53 PM
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Default RE: Challenger Sales: Boom or Bust

I think the economy is great. I don't believe in the news media's fear mongering at all. I'm doing better than last year. My sales have increased. Yes there's a subprime mortgage problem but that doesn't mean everything is bad. Don't believe the news media. They are always saying the economy is bad even in the best of times, like the 1960's. Positive news doesn't sell, so the news media is always being negative. I quit watching all news a few weeks ago and I feel so much better. Right now I am just concentrating on increasing my sales as fast as I can and that makes me happy. Negative people bring you down. They decrease your success and happiness. That includes the news media. Whatever you believe in tends to come true for you. If you believe bad things will happen to you, they will. If you believe good things will happen to you, they will. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. That's why I stay positive and optimistic and shun what the news media says. Your financial situation is all up to you and has nothing whatsoever to do with what they call the "economy." It's not a bad economy for you if you're doing well, and there are always ways for you to do well regardless of how well anyone else is doing.