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Old 12-04-2008, 04:53 AM
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Default RE: zero to 60 MPH times?

I bought the R/T because the look appeals to me more than the SRT. Granted, I'm a 40-something guy who lived through the original muscle car era and I'm so caught up in that look, that I specifically ordered a white R/T "vanishing point" car, but honestly I don't like the look of 20" rims and I do like the look of the R/T badges.

Yeah, the SRT would run the quarter mile a little faster and might run away from me in an all-out slalom type back roads race. But honestly, outside of Mr. 10 Second Dodge is going to be out there doing that with these cars we're buying (and that isn't to slam Mr. 10 Second, as I'm GLAD he's out there defending the honor of all us other weekend cruiser types).

A nice cruising car that can comfortable take me up to 80 mph on the expressway I drive to work on and look good doing it is what I wanted.

Now having said all that, I'm surprised that Dodge didn't badge the top end car the R/T and invent some new middle level name. SIch that if you wanted the respected R/T name & badges , you'd have to PAY for it. If they had done that, I probably woulda bought the top of the line car (and then dumped the 20" rims so I could get back the "muscle car" look of 18's).

But that's just me and that's why Baskin Robbins makes 33 flavors of ice cream (even though the last time I was in one of those I was disappointed that they have 33 flavors on the books but only like 5 flavors on the shelves - but I digress).