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Old 12-31-2008, 05:44 AM
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Default To DEMORT71 - Dodge's Bail-out

Regarding wage disparities. Perhaps that isn't fair-someone installing windshields making more money vs. someone saving lives-but that seems to be where the money is and the way our capitalistic system works.
My apologies, but you are wrongly confusing Capitalism with your misunderstandings about economics. The market doesn’t support $80k/yr windshield installers hence the current financial crisis in the American Auto industry. Capitalism is based on principals of supply and demand which the UAW ignores and seeks to undermine by insisting that windshield installers make $80k/yr. And all that bit about firemen and generals is absolutely non-sense. Firemen make what the tax base can support. Oil workers make what the oil revenues support. The windshield installer makes what the UAW artificially demands and the Car maker goes out of business.

I have heard about health care in Canada…
You obviously haven’t “heard” much. Do a bit more research and we can come back to this one.

How would you improve our health care system to make it better than what it is today and make it more affordable?
Kick all lobbyist out of Washington. Re-org the FDA into something resembling a functioning organization. Cap liability claims and then liability insurance and open pharmaceutical industry to more competition. Then implement the Fair Tax. Done! Get all that?

When I was a young man everyone who worked had health care insurance, made liveable wages, had pensions, etc. If you lost one job, there was no problem finding another good job. Companies wanted good workers to stick around and spend their entire careers with them. What changed between that time and today? What have you observed during your own life time on this matter or perhaps you studied this in your college business curriculum?
Too easy: Short sited investors. Boards and investors use to be willing to weather moderate down turns in the short-term knowing things would turn around eventually. Massive lay-off didn’t happen right away. Now they happen if a business even thinks it isn’t going to hit its numbers. Profit taking by who, you may ask. Large scale investors like the UAW and Mutual fund & 401k fund managers etc etc etc. Enough blame to go around, my friend.

Here is how the UAW pension works...
Nope. That’s how most pensions work, period. My dad retired from Delta. And if you think GM or the UAW has your pension fund sitting somewhere waiting on you, you have another coming. Do a little research on what happens when a pension fund is mis-managed. You may lose some sleep.

You are off on the foreign companies overall labor costs vs. GM. Your GM cost is about right at $69. The foreign maker's costs are $48 (not $40). When the new lower wage scale is implemented at GM, its cost will be a few bucks more than the foreign makers, given the higher legacy costs of GM.
GOOD FOR GM. And you’re actually going to bicker over $8…interesting.

If you are going to waste your body on someone's assembly line, you ought to make it worth your while. Do you really think GM will be able to produce quality products with underpaid people? It doesn't make any difference if those people live in the Midwest or in central Alabama, GM will expect them to work at a certain pace and they won't feel sorry for them if they become disgruntled about their wages and how hard they have to work for it.
Man, are you going to hate this. You really shouldn’t expect to work a life-time as an assembler. That’s an entry level job and you should be constantly training and learning new skills to get yourself off that assembly line into something better to make room for the next generation of young, inexperienced worker coming into the workforce. That’s how the system is designed to work, my friend.

Does it bother you that the UAW seeks to artificially redistribute wealth? Should the workers who create the products and services share in the sucess of the company? I think so. I create wealth daily in the form of parts, which the company sells and makes a profit on. Those profits pay the expenses of the company and create wealth for the stockholders. The profit also pays the wages of management personnel. Isn't this capitalism at work? The engineer's ideas and blue prints are nothing until they are made into something tangible that can be sold.
This is a biggie…

And the most disturbing. An age old question about who deserves the most credit; The people who create the job or the people who do the job. I answer it this way. If the job creator never existed, there would be no job to fill. If the individual in the job goes away, another individual can be found to fill that position OR the job creator will do the work themselves. Winner is??? The job creator and to the victor goes the spoils. Human nature, My friend.

Oh, yeah. Without the engineer’s plans you’d never know how to make it. Let alone how to make it safely and properly so it doesn’t kill anyone trying to use it.

What about the redistribution of wealth that corporate execs have been giving to themselves for the last twenty years? I can't name one exec who is worth the outragious compensation and severance packages they receive, can you? Wouldn't you agree that these CEOs are nothing more than thieves?
Just more of the wealth envy that has infected this nation. Stack the outrageous money the “CEO” make into a pile. Now stack the money the “CEO” generate in the form of payroll, health-care bennies provided, revenues generated, GDP generated so on and so forth and tell me which pile is larger. Don’t believe the hype. If the politicians can keep you distracted with this you will not pay attention to what they are really up to.

You mentioned my comments about southern protectionism and right-to-work laws, which seem to unsettle you. Where does a state govt. get the money from to give a foreign auto manufacturer tens of millions of dollars of free land, tax breaks and public services? Is that capitalism or socialism?
One has nothing to do with the other. Subsidies effectively convert tax revenue into income for the tax payer. If you understand that you can’t really tax a corporation then you realize by lessening the taxes a corporation is responsible for you raise the income they can pay employees and lower the price of the product they produce. This helps the common man. It a difficult concept for most Un10n minded individuals to grasp so give it a moment to sink in.

From here on down you practice a very inaccurate and disturbing version of revisionist history story telling. I didn’t post this response to deal directly with you because you have made up your mind and that is fine with me. But there are a lot of others reading this and I did not want misinformation going unchallenged. It all boils down to this. If you are willing to take or receive what is not rightfully yours, you are engaging in an unlawful act that is damaging to the fabric of this society on some level. Sure, it happens on all level and in every group but to simply be willing to trash the entire system because a few do bad things, is irresponsible. And to give in to it is unproductive and will destroy this country.

The gov’t chose to "loan" the Big 3 money that they otherwise would have gotten from the banks if times were normal. In exchange, the government now has a say in how things are done. If handled properly it can be a good thing but remember this, If the Auto industry and the UAW had done their jobs properly for the last 50 years they wouldn’t be in this situation. THEY are to blame for not following proper business practices and for going against the laws/rules of supply and demand not the foreign manufactuers or southern states or ‘50s era politicians or what ever other reason the UAW has convinced you of. And the American people are to blame for resisting to demand that the Auto makers bring the gas efficiant cars in Europe over here instead of making the SUV and pick-ups our daily drivers because gas WAS cheap. We were all short sited and I’m done here. I'm going to go drive my new 2009 SRT8 6 speed and burn up some cheap gas.

Dem, you may have the last word.