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Dodge Favre ever 03-11-2008 02:46 PM

RE: What is your gasoline price right now?
We're at 3.19 to 3.29 now. I posted a link earlier about to check prices in your area. I didn't do it now so they wouldn't get mad about reposting it. ;)

Jeremiah 29:11 03-11-2008 03:04 PM

RE: What is your gasoline price right now?
Last Thursday we had $3.01 and know it is $3.09. Do we have an gasoline shortage or something. :D

kramtrah 03-11-2008 05:25 PM

RE: What is your gasoline price right now?
the average here in Seattle is now $3.47, so the news says, but mostly on the north end of the city I am finding it closer to $3.51 and up. Still not a detriment to getting a Sublime SRT8 Challenger though.[sm=jawdrop.gif]

RoswellGrey 03-12-2008 01:46 AM

RE: What is your gasoline price right now?
Interesting. The places that were $3.11 this afternoon were $3.07 when I came home tonight. I had to fill up, and taking in 12 gallons, I saved a huge 48 cents. Bring on the R/T model. ;)

DSkippy 03-12-2008 05:39 AM

RE: What is your gasoline price right now?
48 Cents, you could exile yourself to old Me-hee-co and live like a king on 48 cents! ;)

RoswellGrey 03-12-2008 08:26 AM

RE: What is your gasoline price right now?
Whenever you cross the border anymore you run the risk of exiling yourself -- unless you have all your paperwork in order. Between the hassle of getting back into the U.S. and the drug wars in Mexico, you're better off staying on our side. :D

Axel 03-12-2008 10:04 AM

RE: What is your gasoline price right now?
Can't complain, well yes I can from the $1.50 that I remember, we have $2.99 here and $3.89 for diesel. I'm trying to figure out the point where diesel was more expensive then regular let alone premium.

DSkippy 03-12-2008 11:07 AM

RE: What is your gasoline price right now?
Yeah, Roswell, how ironic is that? They'll sure as hell not let you a legal citizen back in if you don't have your paperwork, but they're doing nada to enforce the borders...which in that circumstance will be OK.

Just bring a frizbee when you cross and sheepishly say, "Yeah I was throwing my frizbee and it went across the border, I went to fetch it and you happened to show up when I was coming back across. Apologies for any inconveniences."

Seems like it would work, but they'd probably give you to the Mexican government for infringing and illegally crossing their border, the putzes.

RLSH700 03-12-2008 02:40 PM

RE: What is your gasoline price right now?
The interesting thing is I read an article recently that stated that we weren't going to use some oil found in Canada because it wasn't green enough.:eek: So I guess it is better to buy oil from people that are likely to use it for causes that will do a pasture's full of bovine farts than buying oil from a trusted neighbor because it somehow isn't "green" enough. This is just insane.

Axel 03-13-2008 10:12 AM

RE: What is your gasoline price right now?
Insane? No, of course not. As a government official we are going to need your name and phone number so that we may track you down and change the way you think. ha ha.

Government has never made rational thoughts. It seems that they would rather fund the enemy then help the neighbors and us together, or even help ourselves since we do have access to our own oil, but choose not to use it. We have a history of helping the enemy after all. Isn't Afganistan now using our own weapons against us when we were giving them to them to use against Russia or something like that? Can we say irony?

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