Thread: Point Man
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Old 03-03-2007, 11:36 PM
Jeremiah 29:11
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Default RE: Point Man - Week #2

Point Man – Week #2 A bible study on a man leading his family based on the Steve Farrar book.

Last week we talked about how one of the enemy’s goals is to neutralize the males. Many men today
have no idea that their job is to save the boys who will become men someday. This is exactly what
is happening in our culture. By moving the males from their God appointed positions of leadership and family
responsibility Satan is destroying the boys by neutralizing the males.

How many males have fathered children and then never married the female? The male children do not have
male role models to learn from and see an example of a loving husband and father, to have a work ethic, the importance
of sexual discipline and responsibility, the need for education etc. Then as those males grow up, the cycle repeats again.
How sad is that? Then the family unit suffers and so does society. We wonder why we have so many criminals in prison
and crime on the streets. Boys love gangs because they have an inert need to belong and be loved and the gang replaces the family unit
that is missing from their lives.

I have mostly been talking about saving the boys but we also have to save the girls. Our job as fathers, is to provide an example for them, of a man
able to take on the responsibility of life and marriage. If men do not know what to do to lead a family then the subsequent generations suffer.
Children learn from their parents examples of how to raise the next generation. When a man leaves the family, how is a boy supposed to learn what it
is to be a man when there is no example to follow? We are not just to raise our children, but to also enable them to be child raisers themselves.

Satan focuses on luring the man from his wife and tempts him with other women. When he succeeds the family unit breaks down and this becomes
the example of what it means to be a man when the boy grows up. As a result, many children never had a father or had friends with fathers.
For thousands of years, men raised their sons and equipped their sons to function as adult males and function as fathers. As a result, there was family stability.
There was no such thing as a male identity crisis.

So what changed……the Industrial Revolution? Back in the “old days” man spent a huge portion of their time with their sons on the farm working side by side.
Now the man spends less time at home and more time at work providing much less influence on his children.

So, how do we save our boys? Well, by giving them a role model to follow. They will learn to be the father and husbands they are supposed to be, only
if they have an example to follow. In general, girls learn from their mothers and boys learn from their fathers. Mothers tend
to do a better job of teaching daughters than fathers teaching their sons. One thing a man does teach the daughter, however, is the love and care he shows
to his wife and his daughter will see those traits and seek those in the man whom she will marry.

Key goals for saving the boys:

1. knowing and obeying Jesus Christ
2. knowing and displaying godly character
3. knowing and loving your wife
4. knowing and loving your children
5. give of your strengths and abilities to help the lives of others

One thing you have to do is be around and make yourself available as a father. Go to the school plays, watch them play baseball, read books to them, etc.
Be involved in their lives. If dinners are usually a hurried time due to hectic schedules, plan a time to have a family dinner together and see what is going on
in their lives and do it with no television turned on.

What is more important to you, climbing the corporate ladder and sacrificing your children’s time or spending time with your children so they can become
productive people in society and great parents that will be raising your grandchildren someday? We must tell our kids (and wiv
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.