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Old 03-21-2007, 05:20 PM
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If this country ever turns its back on God, this country will go down the proverbial toilet. Things like legalizing abortion, taking prayer out of schools,
removing the 10 commandments off of government property(like court houses), supporting homosexuality and gay marriages, removing references to God in our books,
supporting pornography.
Just so you know, all of these things have already happened.
Legalizing abortion - Supreme Court; Roe v. Wade
Taking prayer out of schools - most kids don't even know the Pledge of Allegiance now. Why? Because someone objected to the phrase "under God"...
Removing the 10 Commandments from Government facilities - The ACLU has sued (and won) over this numerous times (more suits are still pending).
Supporting/recognizing gay/homosexual unions - How many states have passed legislation already, with more to "fall in line"? Ever heard of "Queer eye for the straight guy"? How about "Gay, straight, or taken"?
Removing references to God in books - School districts and public libraries have been weeding out books that are "religiously insensitive" for MANY years now.........reminds me of the Nazi's.
Supporting pornography - not only does the government do little to discourage it, they're considering taxing it as a source of revenue (link). Would you call that support?

This country HAS turned it's back on God time after time, and that's why we're becoming the "Modern Day Babylon" that God will destroy when he's seen enough adultery, bearing false witness, killing, coveting, dishonor, theft, and immorality. He must be a very patient God...... he's endured watching more than I could of my children.
This country was great at one time, but it's people's "lukewarm" attitudes and tolerance of evil are destroying the very foundation it was created on.
God has repeatedly been invited to leave our lives here in America - a country originally founded on Christian strength, beliefs and faith. A country where we swear to the truth of our court testimony, and the morality and effectiveness of our politicians on a Bible, with the statement "So help me, God". A country where our currency reads "In God We Trust". A country where holidays that celebrated God's son's birth and resurrection have been bastardized by commercialism and political correctness. A country where no one is responsible for thier own actions, but rather blames thier ills and decisions on anything other than themselves.
We make heroes and legends of the most promiscuous, immoral, unethical and evil people, put them in the public eye and idolize them. People gain fame and fortune from violating every one of the commandments. Each day that we turn a blind eye and ignore these things, we go out of our way to spit in the face of the same God that the founding fathers prayed to for help in establishing this country.
We look at religious fundamentalists in other countries as "extremists" and can't understand thier devout faith.....because we have so little ourselves.

Yet when a tragedy (like terrorist attacks, earthquakes or hurricaines) occurs, the very people in America that asked God to leave our daily lives want to know why God let it happen and didn't prevent it.
You invited him to leave - why do you ask where he is now?
Farmiliarity breeds contempt. We've always been a "land of plenty" and won't appreciate that until it's all been stripped away from us.

For the record, I'm a Christian and have been ALL of my life. I didn't "find God" (I didn't know he was lost in the first place) after a tumultuous period in my life (MOST - not ALL, but most - of the most fervent "preachers" I've met have initiated thier faith in that way). I spent the majority of my youth as an active member