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Old 03-21-2007, 06:24 PM
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"This is not a good arguement at all... For instance Iran, they are very religious and the "radical islams" have their religion twisted to committing suicide will get you in the gates of heaven. Saying they want every American and every Jewish person dead. Preaching death to america on friday nights as if it were a high school football rally."

I was saying the removal of religion hasn't caused violence to increase. What you just posted was EXACTLY why religion causes violence. Immoral people can twist the teachings of many of the world's religions into an excuse for violence. Christianity is not exempt from this. Just look at the history of violence bred from taking the bible literally.

Yet when a tragedy (like terrorist attacks, earthquakes or hurricaines) occurs, the very people in America that asked God to leave our daily lives want to know why God let it happen and didn't prevent it.

Who are these people exactly? I was not asking god why he didn't prevent these tragedies. I was asking the government.

Its the damn ACLU and the athiests which make up like somewhere around 2-11 percent of the entire United States of America.. Why dont the around 80 some percent of Christians do somthing about it instead of letting this country have its rights taken away that founded this country and is what made freedom.. Im sure Thomas Jefferson would be irate. All i got to say is United we stand divided we fall.

It would seem to me that the First Amendment disagrees with you. Just because the founders of this country were Christian, doesn't mean that we have to be. What exactly do you want these 80% of Americans to do? Is banning homosexuality expanding our freedom? Is getting rid of pornography going to make us feel more free? Is making kids in public schools pray to your god in agreement with the concept of separation of church and state? Perhaps all of these things are in support of your religion, but they are in no way making us more free.