Thread: Perspective
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Old 12-12-2008, 04:59 AM
BLK 6050
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Default RE: Perspective

Sounds like it's time for a remake of "The Last Chase": *This time with a New Challenger..

It's a movie with Lee Majors from 1981 showing us a world in which the Government has out lawed the use of all petroleum products.....(see review below)

If you have ever wanted to see Lee Majors siphoning regular gas from tanks abandoned 40 years ago and using it in a Formula I (actually a can-am racer) Car while chased by Burgess Meredith in an F-86 Sabre Jet, this is the film for you. I'm afraid that if you have never had this particular fantasy, you might want to avoid this film. Majors plays a professional race car driver forced to give up his career and dismantle his car by a US government which has outlawed petroleum use. Now let's just play along here and lets ignore the fact that the petroleum and defense industries have been the most valuable players in the election of most of the US's recent right-wing executives, and a few of the lefties too - so let's ignore this impossibility of the basic premise - and let's not even ask how these people are generating electricity, etc. I didn't notice any nukes.... Anyway. Steve Austin...ummm sorry.... Lee Majors' character decides to leave for, of all places, California, where people have not realized that petroleum use is a desire, not a right, and are carrying on the same sort of destructive culture the rest of the USA has apparently disavowed. Believability is, of course not an issue here, as the viewer is never challenged to accept any of this absurdity.

Anyway, it's one of those 1980's the car is a bad thing and the earth will be coming to and end because of those that love gas burning auto's type movies...(Fun to watch at least once...just be sure and have your Lee Major's hearing aid turned up so that you don't miss any of the great lines...)