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TechmanBD 01-18-2007 10:04 AM

RE: "24" is on tonight
Sam Raimi did a great job with Spiderman. As long as he keeps with the movies, I think they will be well done.

Batman Begins was my favorite of all times because it was just so dark. The Tim Burton one was good, definatley compared to the later ones. I believe with the next Batman, as long as they keep the same writers and Director and actors, it will be just as good, lke they have been doing with the SPiderman movies. I think CHristian Bale did a great job as Bruce Wayne.

TeeWJay426 01-18-2007 10:36 AM

RE: "24" is on tonight

ORIGINAL: 1 Bad Mirada

well, most people have lost respect for me by the time they figure out that i actually own a modified mirada...:D
You forget.... I once owned a Mirada as well.... and I liked it, and would like to get another someday!;)

1 Bad Mirada 01-18-2007 11:05 AM

RE: "24" is on tonight
i have an extra...ill trade you for the charger!


TeeWJay426 01-18-2007 11:34 AM

RE: "24" is on tonight
...and how much 'extra' ya willing to kick in????;)

Jeremiah 29:11 01-20-2007 04:00 PM

Muslims protest '24'
I think it is one of the most intelligient shows on TV today. Is is portraying reality or possibility......let's hope not.

Even Senator John McCain was on a episode last season.

Muslims protest '24' ....... can you even imagine why they might, considering all of the Islamic terrorists in the world. Well Duh!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not saying stereotype but we have to be attentive and be deligent.

You can't even trust anti-government groups ala Timothy McVeigh and his friend Terry Nichols. The Oklahoma bombing occurred back in April of 1995.....way before 9/11
and even then the US government was watchful of certain extreme organizations.

"The Chicago Tribune reported that the CIA spokesman had acknowledged on the record that the agency is involved in the search. There is a description that the car bombs that were used at the Murrah building are favored by Islamic fundamentalists. It discusses in Exhibit B that Oklahoma City has an Islamic Center and the state is home to about 5,000 Muslims. It goes on to say that a television documentary linked Oklahoma City to an Islamic fundamentalist network operating out of New Jersey, Chicago and Texas. Mr. Steven Emerson, a terrorism expert and executive producer of "Jihad in America" said — and I don't think there is any question Mr. Emerson is an expert on terrorism — that Oklahoma City has been the venue for several Islamic conventions, including one in 1992 where 6,000 people cheered calls for killing of Jews and infidels. This meeting, incidentaly, took place four blocks from the Murrah building. "

Muslims protest '24'

POSTED: 3:06 p.m. EST, January 19, 2007

Story Highlights• Muslim groups concerned about Fox show "24"

• Season involves Muslim terrorists, who set off nuclear bomb

CLIFTON, New Jersey (AP) -- Two years ago, Muslim groups protested when the plot of the hit Fox drama "24" cast Islamic terrorists as the villains who launched a stolen nuclear missile in an attack on America.

Now, after a one-year respite during which Russian separatists played the bad guys on the critically acclaimed series, Muslims are back in the evil spotlight. Unlike last time, when agent Jack Bauer saved the day, the terrorists this time have already succeeded in detonating a nuclear bomb in a Los Angeles suburb.

Being portrayed again as the heartless wrongdoers has drawn renewed protests from Muslim groups, including one that had a meeting with Fox executives two years ago over the issue. (Watch why "24" is worrying Muslims)

"The overwhelming impression you get is fear and hatred for Muslims," said Rabiah Ahmed, a spokeswoman for the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations. She said Thursday she was distressed by this season's premiere. "After watching that show, I was afraid to go to the grocery store because I wasn't sure the person next to me would be able to differentiate between fiction and reality."

She said the group had a conference call Wednesday with Fox executives to protest the current plot line and request more positive portrayals of Muslims on the show, but was not promised anything.

After a January 2005 meeting with CAIR, Fox aired a commercial in which the show's star, Kiefer Sutherland, urged viewers to keep in mind that the show's villains are not representative of all Muslims.

In a written statement issued late Wednesday night, the network said it has not singled out any ethnic or religious group for blame in creating its characters.

"24 is a heightened drama about anti-terrorism," the statement read. "After five seasons, the audience clearly understands this, and realizes that any individual, family, or group (ethnic or otherwise) that engages in violence is not meant to be typical.

"Over the past several seasons, the villains have included shadowy Anglo businessmen, Baltic Europeans, Germans, Russians, Islamic fundamentalists, and even the (Anglo

RoswellGrey 01-21-2007 04:59 AM

RE: Muslims protest '24'
I hope, Jeremiah, that you don't spend so much time online looking up items about 24 that you miss this week's episode! ;)

Jeremiah 29:11 01-21-2007 01:36 PM

RE: Muslims protest '24'
Not to worry, my HD DVR is set to record every episode this season.

RLSH700 01-21-2007 07:41 PM

RE: Muslims protest '24'
There is nothing wrong with realizing who attacked us. It would be foolish to forget (as some already have). I'm not saying all are like this, but I also don't believe in forgetting either.

Have you ever visited the memorial for the Murray Building in Oklahoma City? It's really sad, but something that I believe everyone should visit at least once. I went there back in 2003 while we were visiting my cousin who lives in Midwest City, which is right next to Oklahoma City.

Anti-Government groups by their very nature can't be trusted. They want anarchy. Not a good idea. McVeigh and Nichols were nuts. This is why I don't like these type of people. My opinion is if you don't like it you have three choices. Vote against whoever you don't like, complain your brains out, and/or get out of the country. McVeigh did this to make a statement and who did he hurt. 168 innocent men, women, and worst of all, innocent children. He didn't actually hurt whoever the heck he was trying to hurt, just a bunch of innocents.

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