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Immigration by the numbers

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Old 05-13-2007, 05:40 PM
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Default RE: Immigration by the numbers

whether there legal or illegal is a political observation, Immigrants are Immigrants there here for the same reason.
Sure but that does not make coming into this country illegally right. Legal or illegal is also a statistical obversation that is going awry
and I do not believe you have a full understanding of the problems it is creating. Unless you live in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, or California,
I think people are clueless as to how bad it is living in the center of the universe in Lebanon, Kansas. (LOL actually of the 48 States)

There only illegal cause the government cnat make money off them.
Tell me a little about how much is being made by each person wanting to be a U.S. citizen?

ENGLISH is not an official langauge, Why dont you learn spanish? you might even make more money in your career.
I don't have to learn Spanish, I know it quit well as my 2nd language and 11 years ago I did use it in my career to cover customers in the Maquiladoras.
What is your 2nd language?

Open your mind to different things thats what America is about!! the average european knows 2 or more languages. Yeah terriorist are immigrating to the America nothing we can do to ever stop it, no matter how hard we try.
Nothing we can do to prevent that? You who are in law enforcement have very little faith in our system.

" Everything boils down to money, TOO many immigrants will cause finicial stress on our economy. We need to work a plan with the immigrants and the economy to balance it out, and eventually someone will figure it out!!!
Well, I think you finally got my point.

By the way, I am have half Mexican and I certainly am more aware of the situation than most people.

FYI- I really do appreciate you doing your job in law enforement. They do not pay you guys enough.

May God protect you in your job.
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Old 05-13-2007, 05:54 PM
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Default RE: Immigration by the numbers

Guys, what I'm saying is we have laws in our country and we are expected to obey. If we do not, then we pay the price put on said lawlessness. To start your journey out by breaking this law, then where does it stop? Do you, pick and choose what laws you will obey and does it set up a presidence? Is it fair to the illegals who pay with their lives? The american way is a victim here along with people unprepared for whats ahead. Look at it from all sides! We need this to stop and we need a solution that we all can live with. Lets stop and reason this out together. Now GENXHEMI9 you say your in law enforcement, can you turn your head and look away, while the laws you swear to protect are broken. Can you pick and choose what you will enforce. Do you have that right? Or can we obey the law and find an answer that is within the law. Compromise on both sides and is obeying our laws.
Old 05-14-2007, 02:45 AM
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Default RE: Immigration by the numbers

Im currently learning spanish

Nothing we can do to prevent that? You who are in law enforcement have very little faith in our system.
If I didnt believe in the system I wouldnt be in this job....The system isnt perfect(nothing ever will be) thats fact......... crime will never stop....hate wont either!

My personal opinion our system is weak in the punishment! we need to be more blunt about things

FYI- I really do appreciate you doing your job in law enforement. They do not pay you guys enough.

May God protect you in your job.

Thanks but im no different from the teachers, nurses, and everyother hard working americans
Old 05-14-2007, 02:55 AM
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Default RE: Immigration by the numbers

every time I come across an illegal I will ALWAYS up hold the law. In my opinion Good Morals are above all laws anywhere. Remember laws are made by a group of grumpy old men that get together and complain about the smallest things.
Old 05-14-2007, 04:19 AM
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Default RE: Immigration by the numbers

Still... laws are voted on and passed. Is it our right to ignore those we choose to disreguard. What I'm saying is if you break the law, expect to pay the price when you are caught. If I speed, I'm breaking the law. And if I'm caught, I expect to pay the penalty. How is hate involved with respect for one sovernty and rule of law. We have a system in place to allow immigration and it has worked for years. We now have a security risk and a need to shut down the border due to the terror threat. We can put our heads in the sand and say let what will. But I for one do not want to allow dumb luck to be our chief form of security. Lets make a plan and enforce it. It will be safer for us and the illegals. Morals dictate we put a stop to the cyotes that opperate on our borders and feed off the Mexicans who come across our borders illegally. We cannot let another country use us as an alternative to their human rights debacle. The Mexican government needs changes and when the people revolt, then they my enjoy the fruits of their labor. We did years ago, its their turn to standup to their corrupt governmet and demand what is their right. We prop up immoral behavior by allowing the border mess to go unchecked.
Old 05-14-2007, 05:33 AM
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Default RE: Immigration by the numbers

I agree, legal or illegal is irrelevant, contribution to society in a moral, ethical and way is what matters.

every time I come across an illegal I will ALWAYS up hold the law. In my opinion Good Morals are above all laws anywhere. Remember laws are made by a group of grumpy old men that get together and complain about the smallest things.
Old 05-14-2007, 12:27 PM
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Default RE: Immigration by the numbers

that I can agree with, maybe we need to help the revolt like we have helped so many others[quote]
We cannot
let another country use us as an alternative to their human rights
debacle. The Mexican government needs changes and when the people revolt,
then they my enjoy the fruits of their labor. We did years ago, its their
turn to standup to their corrupt governmet and demand what is their
right. We prop up immoral behavior by allowing the border mess to go
Old 05-14-2007, 05:27 PM
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No, we do not need to help in a revolt. It is a process they have to do on their own. No help from us or it will not be looked at the same way. The world would condemn us for insighting the fall of a sovergn country. They need to vote in the process they have for leadership that is for reform. And push to make them keep their promises. Protests are one way and they have to stay the course and show courage.
Old 05-14-2007, 09:13 PM
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Default RE: Immigration by the numbers

Eye opening video. I agree that we do need to slow down the legal immigration rate and stop illegal immigration (and deport the illegal ones). We need to regain control over this. If we cannot check-up to the current rate and the people are flooding in, we will eventually become a third world country. I suggest a better solution. Helping the countries get out of being a third world country though economics.

GENXHEMI, I think we have followed Europe's example enough in other bad idea issues (slavery, rapid socialism, etc.), no offense to our European members. They are not doing well as a whole and I think its time they start using us as an example. Having one language is the best system even if it seems insensitive. If we had to accept every language spoken by people who moved here at each point in history, we would be in the same shoes as India where they have tons of different languages in close locations. My ancestors had to learn English when they moved here, and I don't see how that is so unreasonable. This is one unified country, not a bunch of small countries the size of states right next to each other, it only makes sense to use one language.

With the draining our programs issue, why are we giving them the social programs? If the jobs here pay good enough to make moving worth while, why do they need these programs? My ancestors were poor, in fact, even some of my current family line would be classified as being poor, but they don't expect any thing from the government. The success is not an entitlement, it is something you earn. My family members have tried many times to succeed in our economic system. Some were successful (my grandfather) others were not successful (my great-grandfathers), but just because you fail once doesn't mean you should just give up. There are some people who actually need those programs, such as people who have disabilities who cannot work and don't have a family to take care of them, but these people do not.

One other group we need to get on the case with who is contributing to this problem besides the government, is the government's unofficial boss, the media. We need to get on their case for twisting the facts and bad mouthing the people whom are trying to fix the problem. The media needs to assist with the solution, not add to the problem.
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Old 05-15-2007, 04:36 AM
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Default RE: Immigration by the numbers

I agree, we can find a solution if all sides take the proper paths. Our laws do not need to be broken. We are a country of immigrants and we are a model of democracy. But at the rate we are going we cannot hold up to the weight.

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