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Challenger markup

Old 05-17-2007, 05:06 PM
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Default RE: Challenger markup


I think the vast majority of the members of this forum (and potential Challenger owners in general) WANT the Challenger, don't NEED the Challenger, and are willing to stick to thier personal spending limits when it comes to making a deal on the car when it finally becomes available.
I also believe that the vast majority of the members of this forum (and potential buyers, in general) are saavy enough to see what's happened with limited production cars like the Challenger in the past (most recently / currently - the Shelby Mustangs) as dealerships use Ebay almost exclusively to sell the "Shelby's" (YES, car sales ARE made on the internet - obviously, some of the most lucrative to the dealerships, or it wouldn't be happening as frequently/exclusively as it is!).
I think, with very few exceptions, most of us are at a point where we're financially secure enough to be able to afford a car like this, but haven't gotten to this point in our lives by being frivolous with our money either. I will NOT pay over MSRP for ANY car at ANY time. I never have before, and I never will. The Challenger is a WANT for me. If I have to wait to get my Challenger because I refuse to pay over MSRP, then I'll wait. Maybe as the time passes, more colors and options (that I want) will become available - then again, maybe not. Maybe the price will NEVER fall to or below MSRP. I don't know - I'm not an "auto psychic". Then there's always the possibility that another car may be made that gets me drooling during the wait. Sure, I WANT a Challenger, but I can survive without it.
I agree with your sentiments.

I will never buy a car that just came out, but will wait at least a year. For example I am sure there are people who regret buying the 350 HP LS1 2004 GTO, when the 2005 and 2006 models have the better and more powerful 400 HP LS2's. Being first on the block to own anything is not my thing at all.
Old 06-04-2007, 01:46 PM
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Default RE: Challenger markup

ORIGINAL: dodgesales

For those of you that are pissing and moaning about the dealers and there markup. I am not the owner of this store or any other store for that matter. If it was up to me every store in the nation would have one price for there cars and end the back and fourth over price/payment/trade. I don't make the rules! I do however have to compete with the market to maximize profits so I can keep my job and food on the table for my kids. We all have to make money and feed our family's mouths.
You bitch and bitch about salesmen but little do you realize that every last one of your sorry ass's work for a salesman. The owner of your company had to sell his product to someone right? That's right you work for a church, you don't think the man in the front speeking to everyone is not a salesman. He still has to sell himself to keep you coming back right? You talk about supply and demand? Look at this site, you people are making the demand and DCX is providing the supply. I can not believe some of the stupid shit I see on this web site! Who gives a horse's ass what the 1st song you are going to play or what your plate frame is going to say but us dealers are reading this shit and can clearly see the demand for our product. Then you walk in and try to put your hard earned money down for a car that doesn't even exist yet?

What does all of this tell us?
Sorry if you think we are all a bunch of dirty car salesman and some of us are. I have no problem showing my customers what my profit is on a vehicle as long as they ask. The store that I work for will have a mark up of $2999 that is it! Cause that is what is on every car on the lot. The Challenger will not be as flexible as most others but I am not here to rip anyone off by any means. I will however give you a little tip if you want the best deal on a new car, purchase on the last day of the month and have you financing in order.

One last thing, the Challenger is going to be built as the all new Wrangler Unlimited was as far as production. You will have a hard time finding this car on a lot for quite some time due to prodution #'s. They will build slowly to keep the demand high.
First of all, you need to clean up your language. I understand that sometimes some language will slip out and other times you can just cover up what you are saying with things like number signs but there is no need to keep using that kind of language. Secondly, watch your tone. I agree that the dealer has the right to change what they want but you don't have to be a snob about it. I am a marketing major and I know all about sales and I don't have a problem with salespeople considering that I might potentially be one but you don't need to be rude about it. There is a big difference between selling a product and leading a church. Leading a church is not and should not be focused around one's self. A salesman is trying to get people to buy their product by helping them find a correct fit between their needs and the benefits of the product to solve the problem. A leader of a church's purpose should be to help people learn more about God. Thirdly, you need to learn to show respect to other people. Jeremiah has not called you names, yet you have. It is a logical fallacy to attack people personally, which reflexs negatively upon your self. You also need to learn that just because someone disagrees with you does not mean you should treat them like dirt. Jeremiah is quite experience and has good advice that I suggest you take. This is your warning from me, you better back off and calm down. You can defend yourself, but you cannot treat people with disrespect like this especially someone whom out ranks you on this forum (Jeremiah). Understand?
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Old 06-05-2007, 04:19 AM
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Default RE: Challenger markup

your place sells with a 3k markup where are you from that sounds reasonable to me ^^
Old 06-08-2007, 12:10 PM
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Default RE: Challenger markup

Ok Challenger friends, someone kick me. It is starting to look like there may be better sense in letting the affluent people buy the first year; maybe benefit from their good furtune and wait for the next year - potentially with more options and colors. I have also been hearing rumblings of a Cuda version (probably more rumble than real), but with my crystal boall being broken an'all, am I crazy to think about pushing out my desire for another year? Someone talk to me Tell me I'd be crazy to wait! I have no other information than what I hear on forums such as this, so I am starting to "gulp" lose hope. 1. That I can even afford one, 2. The following years' will be better, and 3. a Cuda version may be available (my first love) and I don't want to blow my load on a Challenger if I could have a Cuda.

Old 06-09-2007, 07:26 AM
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Default RE: Challenger markup

I'm taking a "wait and see attitude."

I will only buy a 2008 Challenger if I can get it for under MSRP (unlikely). If I can't, I will wait for the 2009. Some advantages of waiting are: better price, more options, 6.4 SRT, no first year "bugs," possible 'Cuda, etc.

As a comparison, this is what happened with the SRT Charger in 2006. Very high prices, many first year bugs (e.g., transmission O ring, brake scoring, coolant gunk, leaking sunroofs, etc). In 2007, most of these problems have been corrected and some discount dealers are selling them for invoice. Also Dodge is offering $3,500 rebates.
Old 06-09-2007, 02:22 PM
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Default RE: Challenger markup

ORIGINAL: 08plumcrazy

Hello everyone, new to the forum. Have been reading for a while.
Just wanted to give my side of a dealer experience that happened tonight.

Finally found a dealer that would take a deposit so went for a little road trip.
Very friendly experience, with the salesman and GM.
Before they took my deposit, the GM says "you do realize there is going to be a markup"
Well I knew there would be to be honest (5K - sound about right?)

GM says - it probably going to be 15-20K.
I wish they had a smiley icon where it blows its brains out here, cause I'd use it.

I'm so dissapointed right now.
He said it was only going to be a one year run like the Shelby GT 500's.

Anyone have any points of view?

Hello everyone..... I like many have my sights on a new Challenger. I have my name on the list at two local dealers. Both at this time have no information on them. Both at this time CANNOT take deposits on them. I specifically asked the one dealer I am most interested in dealing with about how much they plan on marking them up...I was told an "emphatic" NO MARK UP. I will believe it when I see it. I was further told they will price them to sell. I said great. I told him if you are going to screw me like Ford did customers forget it. I was assured, and reassured they would not mark them up.....Time will only tell.

I was also asked if I wanted to put a deposit on one one when the time is right. I said NO... I went through ROYAL HELL with GM when I ordered my GTO. A 3 month wait went to 8.5 months along with a cancellation of my order and a network search turned up one exactly like I ordered..... Long story on this.....I will NOT go through that again. After I picked my car up, people were boasting about better deals than I had gotten and I researched and negotiated an at that time good deal.

I was told I would be able to get a Challenger... I guess time will tell. Until then the wait continues.
Old 06-09-2007, 03:19 PM
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Default RE: Challenger markup

Hello from a fellow Goat owner. From what I have read, the 2004 GTO buyers had more of the markup problems than the owners of the 2005-2006. I am sorry your GTO was hard to get, mine was as simple as seeing a Blue/Blue leather with A4, and luckily there was employee pricing to the general buyership at that time.

I can't say that my sights are set on a 2008 Challenger, but they will be set on the 2009 (or second year) car.
Old 06-09-2007, 04:05 PM
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Default RE: Challenger markup

Hey Old Goat..... It was a nightmare getting it. I ordered second week of Jan. 05. Negotiated a nice deal and a heck of a deal on the Sports Appearance Package. Dang car sat on the docks in California for 4 months.. Repeated phone calls from me and the dealer did nothing. I got fed up and one was found a few hours away. I went and got it. I was told by GM they could not guarantee delivery in the 3rd quarter!! I decided to wait no longer.

I will add the Challenger. GTO stays, just a blast to drive and oh the power. Not retro on the exterior but under the hood.... it breathes fire. The wife has asked me to get the Challenger in auto so she can drive it. I told her ok, either 425 HP or 550 HP she said the more HP the better... I have no problems with that!
Old 06-10-2007, 06:32 AM
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Default RE: Challenger markup

IMO.....Commissions are built into the sticker price. Anything above that is greed. Marking your product up beyond the fair intended profit margins set by the manufacturer is gouging your customer. I don't care if it's 500 dollars or 20K. Saying well, we are going to gouge our customer just a little does not justify reasoning. Your reputation, and credibility takes a hit. Defending it for whatever reason just makes the dealer look worse and this adds to the mystique of dealers being labeled rip off artists. If a dealer is going to gouge customers then they deserve all the negativity they get.

Mustang GT's were to be marketed in the high 20's. Dealers marked them up 20K. The Shelby's were to be marketed in the 40's, again 20K mark ups. The real fools are those who pay it. Ford an alike should cap the ceiling price for their product but they won't. When you have a CEO raking in tens of millions in bonuses, the greed factor trickles down.

Increased sales, or increased profit margins? The way the auto industry is right now, you'd think increased sales would generate more revenue, but when you have dealerships gouging people, cars will sit. Then the finger pointing as to why.

This is just my 2 pennies.
Old 06-10-2007, 06:59 AM
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There is no such thing as TOO MUCH profit. Dealers will not determine prices...buyers will. Dealers will simply find out what we are willing to pay & then charge it. I realizing it is frustrating to anticipate a beating this early but don't be quick to blame dealers. As slimy as some of them are they make no bones about being in business to make money.

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